Safe Travel Tips for People with a Thyroid Disease

Many people travel for leisure or work every year using planes, buses, cars, boats, and trains. For people with thyroid disease, taking safety precautions and learning ways to plan for trips can help. Here are safe travel tips for anybody with thyroid disease.

Always Carry Adequate Medication

While you can buy medication at your travel destination, it’s wise to pack yours before traveling. That way, you can be safe even if you’re stuck somewhere or your flight delays due to strikes, weather, plan changes, breakdowns, or losing your pills.

Carry a Doctor’s Note

Public transit stations, airports, and other entry ports have radiation detections. You can set off radioactive iodine treatment for months or weeks afterward if you have them. However, carry a letter or card from your doctor explaining your health condition. That way, you can avoid trouble if you trigger the alarms when traveling.

Stretch More Often

Regardless of the transportation means, take frequent stretching breaks. Ideally, try to stand and walk around more often. That way, you can relieve any muscle and joint pain that your thyroid disease might cause. Also, stand up slowly after sitting for over 30 minutes because the blood might have pooled, leading to dizziness when standing up.

After standing, rotate and flex your back, neck, calves, ankles, and shoulders to avoid stiffness. You can also walk in the cabin when flying after every hour if possible.

Stay Hydrated and Protect the Immune System

Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis make a person more susceptible to infections. Therefore, avoid enclosed spaces when traveling with passengers because they may have infectious diseases. Also, drink sufficient water to keep your body hydrated. But don’t drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages because they are dehydrating.

Final Word

Thyroid disease is generally a chronic illness. Therefore, talk to your healthcare provider before traveling, especially when flying. And this is particularly crucial after a medical procedure like surgery.…

Facts About Solo Travel for Introverts

Being an introvert might not be easy for some people. But according to Jimmy an introvert himself and he owns a san antonio seo company says to us that it’s even more challenging when it comes to traveling solo for business owners. For introverts, meeting strangers and talking to them doesn’t come naturally the way it does for extroverts. And this can make the travel experience of an introvert more challenging. Here are facts about solo travel for introverts that some people don’t know.

People Think Introverts are Weird

Introverts form more than a third of the global population. And some people think that being an introvert is not necessarily an ideal way to live. For this reason, some people think sitting alone or doing things by yourself is terrible. Thus, most people think group activities are more enjoyable and better than solitary ones. And for this reason, most people will think you’re weird if you travel alone.

Your Moods Dictate Your Travel Plans

You’re an introvert, and you want to travel alone. As such, you decide when, where, and how to travel. And your moods will most likely dictate your travel plans. Although people might consider you a weird person, you enjoy the freedom of traveling the way you desire. What’s more, you won’t feel guilty for leaving people out of your travel plans because your loved ones know you’re an introvert.

You Will Most Likely Travel to Quiet Places

An introvert will mostly want to spend time alone. That means you will be interested in quiet travel destinations. Naturally, you will incline to stay away from social scenes and probably bond with nature. Although some people may think this is boring, an introvert will enjoy the experience.

Solo travel can be your kind of thing if you’re an introvert. That’s because you will most of the time have your noise cancellation headphones on and spend time exploring your destination alone. You can even spend time eating out at a restaurant or reading a book. And this will be cool with you.…